About Us
Socket Shield outlet covers come to you from Oliver Innovations, LLC., a family-owned business in midwestern USA. Brothers Alex and Austin Oliver knew from a young age they wanted to be entrepreneurs. After years of typical brotherly love, and maybe a few knuckle sandwiches, they found their groove as the perfect “brains and brawn” pair in the business world.
It took persistence and determination, but together, they made their dream of owning a business come true. Now, Alex and Austin put their focus on creating innovative products for everyday use. Socket Shield is the first innovation from Oliver Innovations, with many more to come.
Austin, Here!
I’m Austin Oliver, co-owner of Oliver Innovations. The idea for Socket Shield came to me at a very young age, actually, during an elementary school assignment. Tasked with finding a solution for additional child safety in homes, my inventive mind developed the first, initial concept of what is now Socket Shield. It’s amazing to see such an elementary idea come to fruition. Now, my family of four can benefit from it too.
Alex, Here!
I’m Alex Oliver, co-owner of Oliver Innovations. I’ve always had the heart and mind of an entrepreneur, and so, when my brother pitched the idea of Socket Shield to me I jumped on the opportunity to bring it to life. After years of hard work, and a lot of learning along the way, I’m proud to say we’ve created a product that’s going to be extremely useful for homeowners and families, just like mine.